Thursday, March 23, 2006


User Q&A Continued...

Q: I want to have a library where I can issue accounts to people that would share some files. However, I want only some accounts to have access to some information and others to other information. Can I do this with your service?

A: In the coming weeks, we will be releasing a version of ElephantDrive that will include the ability to directly and securely share individual files and directories with other users and will provide permission levels on that basis (e.g. an individual user may be afforded read/write, read, or browse authorization on files and directories that you have shared). You will be able to initiate the process by simply providing an email address for the person you want to share with, selecting the file and/or directories to be shared (via the web or ElephantDesktop application), and providing an "expiration date" or designating the share as permanent. We are considering extending this functionality to small user groups. In addition, later versions of ElephantDrive will allow users to "publish" their files and content to permanent URLs, like:
NOTE: By the terms of our End User License Agreement (EULA), sharing and/or publishing of copyrighted material are expressly prohibited.

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